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Dentin formation

Original odontoblasts, here also referred to as primary odontoblasts, produce dentin as in the period of teeth, and after the completion of the formation of root. The fact that intratubular cellular processes remain makes dentin tubular in nature. Thanks to the continued function odontoblasts, the pulp of the tooth space is gradually narrowed over time and old individuals can become so small that endodontic treatment is difficult.

In odontoblasts may also lead to new dentin at an increased rate in response to soft incentives: for example. during the initial precavitated stage enamel caries (10); with the slow progress of caries in General (9); or shallow preparation for restorative purposes. This type of new dentin was called reactionary dentin (67) (see also the Main concepts 2.1).

The core concept 2.1 Terms used for different types of dentinogenesis

The main dentin: dentin formed primary odontoblasts. Reparative dentin: dentin is formed in response to injury or primary or secondary odontoblasts (repair odontoblasts).
The equivalent terms are often used irregular secondary dentin, irritation of dentin and tertiary dentin.

Please note that the primary dentin and secondary dentin terms sometimes used to describe the dentin formed primary odontoblasts before and after the termination of the root system, respectively. Consequently, the term tertiary dentin appeared to indicate dentin created in response to irritation or injury. The current text makes no difference. ..

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