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Children usually start teething about six months and will be completed in about three years of age. Every child, however, will have its own teething schedule. Some children seem to have no problems during teething. Other babies may experience anxiety, irritability, saliva, rash, or rosy cheeks. Teething does not cause disease. High fever and diarrhea are not symptoms of teething. Consult your doctor if your child has these symptoms.


  • Provide your child with clean, cold teething ring.
  • Massage your baby's gums with a clean cloth.
  • Give your baby your love.
  • Be patient.
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  • Use creams that numb: they may cause choking.
  • Give bagels, toast, or raw vegetables: they may cause choking in children of early age, may not chew very well.
  • Give initial cookies with a high sugar content and stick to the teeth: they can cause tooth decay.
  • The use of liquid teething rings: they can leak.
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