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Anatomy of the Dental Implant

Dental implant is an nonbiologic (artificial) the device is surgically inserted into the jaw to (1) to replace a missing tooth or (2) support for orthopaedic prostheses. Over the last 30 years of scientific studies have confirmed the success of implantation as a possible option for replacing missing teeth with partial or fully edentulous patients [1-7]. Hygienist plays an important role in patient education and professional service dental implant. Understanding basic concepts of implantology and anatomy tissue around the implant is a prerequisite for understanding the maintenance of dental implants.

1. Dental Implant System

A. Introduction in implant systems. Dental implants are used to replace a single tooth or maintain a fixed bridge or denture (Fig. 32-1). Components of dental implant system (1) of the implant, (2) support, and (3) prosthetic crowns and prostheses (Fig. 32-2).

B. Implant

1. The implant body is the part of the implant system that is surgically placed in the living alveolar ridge (Fig.

32-3, 32-4, 32-5). This is sometimes called the implant fixture or implant.

2. The implant body acts as the "root" of the implant restorations. The implant body usually with thread, like a screw. These flows are greater surface area of contact with the alveolar bone.

a. The metal used for dental implants from titanium. Titan is the ideal material for dental implants, because it's the bones of pure metal, biocompatible, but because he is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.

B. The main drawback of titanium that it is milder than in other restorative dental metals and thus it scratches easily.

C. Abutment

1. The implant titanium bearing the post, which is attached to the implant and is partially or totally through the gingival tissue in the mouth (Fig. 32-4). 2. Reference supports the replacement prostheses (crowns or dentures).

3. Titanium design is extremely biocompatible (not rejected by the body) and allows healing of the tissues around the pole.

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