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Bacterial Attachment Zones

Zone subgingival bacterial attachment (Fig. 6-17) surfaces of the teeth and epithelial lining in the periodontal pocket. Bacteria can also be accompanied by other bacteria that are attached to one of these surfaces.

1. Plaque associated biofilm bacteria that are attached to the tooth surface.

a. The bacteria to attach to the surface of the tooth, which stretches from the gingival margin almost to paroxizmalnaya form epithelium based pocket.

B. Subgingival bacteria appear to be able to invade dentinal tubules cement.

c. Filamentous organisms, cocci, rods, including S. mitis,

S. sanguis, and A. viscosus-dominated plaque associated.

2. Tissue associated plaque biofilm bacteria that adhere to the epithelium.

a. Bacteria that adhere to freely epithelium pocket wall significantly different from those plaque associated biofilms.

B. Layers closer to the soft tissue walls contain many spirohet and flagellar bacteria. Gram-negative cocci and bars are also present.

Dominated by species such as C. oralis, Streptococcus intermedius, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, so forsythia, and F. nucleatum.

c. Bacteria from a fabric gives the plaque biofilm can invade the connective tissue of the gums and can be found in the connective tissues of parodentium and on the surface of the alveolar ridge.

d. Studies show that tissue associated plaque biofilm is the most harmful effects on periodontal tissues.

3. Unattached bacteria. In addition to the supplied bacteria, periodontal pocket, also contains a lot of free-swimming bacteria that are not part of biofilms. Bacterial adhesion zone..

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