Home · Foundations of Periodontics · SEVERITY, EXTENT, AND PROGRESSION OF CHRONIC PERIODONTITIS · Generalized severe chronic periodontitis


1. The extent of damage in chronic Periodontitis

A. Overview. How is the degree or amount of the periodontium, delete, and can be characterized on the basis of the number of sites that had survived the destruction of tissue.

1. Localized inflammation may include one site on a single tooth, several sites on the tooth or several teeth. The patient may have and sanitary zones and zones with chronic periodontitis with tissue destruction.

2. Generalized inflammation can affect the entire set of teeth.

B. localized or generalized degree

1. Localized chronic periodontal disease is a chronic periodontitis, in which 30% or less of sites in the mouth felt affection loss and bone loss.

2. Chronic Generalized periodontitis, is a chronic periodontitis, in which more than 30% of the sites in the mouth felt affection loss and bone loss.

2. The Progression Of The Disease

A. Overview. The progression of the disease refers to changes or improvements in the defeat of parodont.

For example, the amount of investments loss and destruction of bone saw today to compare with what I've seen a few months ago? It is the same somewhat worse or much worse?

B. the progression of chronic Periodontitis. In most cases of chronic periodontal disease progresses slowly and at a moderate pace. Periods of rapid tissue destruction may, however, occur.

1. The current view is that the progression of chronic periodontitis most people in the most affected areas is an ongoing process, but that the periods of exacerbation may sometimes occur.

2. Episodes of progression of chronic periodontitis occur randomly in time and at random sites in the mouth.

3. The destruction of tissues with chronic periodontitis not affect all teeth evenly, but rather is a site-specific diseases. That is, at the same dentition teeth can have serious tissue destruction while the other teeth are almost no traces of attachment and loss of bone mass.

4. Chronic periodontitis is not at the same speed in all the affected areas around the mouth.

a. Some diseases sites may remain unchanged for a long time [21].

B. Other diseases sites may develop more quickly. More rapid progression to disease sites, most often found in the interdental spaces and can to be associated with large areas of plaque biofilm accumulation and inaccessibility plaque biofilm control measures (e.g., sites malposed teeth restorations with hanging fields, for branches of food impaction, deep periodontal pockets, fork areas) [22].

5. It is important to note that the factors (local and systemic)associated with the initiation of chronic periodontitis may also influence the progression of the disease.

6. The number of sites of attachment loss, bone loss, and/or deep pockets good predictor of future cardiovascular disease in selected patients. The best predictor of disease progression is the individual's previous illnesses.

3. The Severity Of The Disease

A. Overview. The severity or seriousness, tissue destruction is determined by the rate of progression of the disease over time and the reaction of tissues to treat.

Century Tissue Destruction. The severity of the disease can be described as insignificant (mild, moderate or severe. These conditions can be used to describe the severity of the disease the whole dentition, part of the mouth (sextant or quadrant), or disease status of one tooth. 1. Easy (soft) periodontitis is not more than 1-2 mm, clinical attachment loss

2. Moderate periodontitis-from 3 to 4 mm clinical attachment loss.

3. Periodontitis heavy-5 mm or more clinical attachment loss happened...

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