1. Teeth to create a break in the epithelial protective coating
A. protective epithelial sheet covers the body
1. The continuous cover of epithelium and protects the body, covering its external surface and the lining of body euros Lama's cavity, including the mouth.
2. Teeth penetrate this protective coating break through the epithelium, thus creating an opening through which germs can enter the human body.
B. teeth puncture protective epithelial sheet
1. The body tries printing, opening created when a tooth gets epithelium by attaching epithelium of the tooth.
2. The word interchanges Euro means that the connection thus, the epithelium, which is connected to the tooth called paroxizmalnaya form epithelium.Â
2. Functions paroxizmalnaya form epithelium
A. Epithelial Attachment. The JV provides for the attachment between the gum and the tooth surface, thereby ensuring the seal on the basis of the
gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket (Fig. 2-8).

B. Barrier. In paroxizmalna form epithelium provides a protective barrier between the plaque biofilm and connective tissues of parodentium.
C. Host Defense. Epithelial cells play a role in the protection of periodontal tissues from bacterial infection, signaling the immune response [4].