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Spotted knotweed

Spotted knotweed
Spotted knotweed is an officinal grassy annual plant. Spotted knotweed likes damp places near lakes and rivers. The root of the plant is subramose and rod-shaped. The stem of the plant is straight and up to 1 meter high. Spotted knotweed blossoms in July and August. Its white and pink-green flowers form dense spike-shaped blossom clusters at the top of the stem. These blossom clusters contain black nuts.

The overhead grassy part of spotted knotweed is used in medicine. Spotted knotweed contains flavonoids, organic acids, vitamin C, tocopherol, essential oils, tannin, bitter stuff, slime, sitosterol, wax and many other components. It is important to remember that spotted knotweed can be gathered only when it blossoms. Spotted knotweed in dentistry and against diseases of the mouth cavity. Spotted knotweed is used to make decoctions possessing anti-inflammatory, styptic, and anaesthetic properties. You can also use warm decoction of spotted knotweed as a mouthwash. Spotted knotweed is often used to treat parodontosis, abscesses, and gingival hemorrhage.

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