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Parodontosis is a title of a group of dystrophic diseases of gums. Inflammation in gum tissues is mostly caused by pathogenic bacteria that live in dental deposit. There are many other factors that can promote the development of dystrophic changes of parodentium tissues. Those are some anomalies of dentoalveolar system (anomalies of positions of teeth or various pathologies of occlusion).

Pathogenic bacteria promote loosening of gum tissues and damaging junctions between teeth and gums. This way dental deposit gets free access to dental enamel and gum tissues. At the same time it damages dental enamel. Under such conditions dental calculus is formed.

The next stage of the disease means that the recess has become deeper. Moreover, it causes bad breath and adds unpleasant smack to any food you eat. Such gum tissues are rather friable; they bleed from time to time. Some patients suffer increased sensitivity of gums usually while eating. Even a slight touch can cause gum bleeding.

The next stage is slow destruction of dentoalveolar junction and formation of recess. These factors create perfect conditions for formation of microbal plague on the root of tooth, development of inflamed granulation tissue, as well as resorption of root of the tooth. Unless treated in time and properly, the disease will start destroying bones. In this case it will be completely impossible to preserve the tooth.

Parodontosis is mostly caused by these factors:

  • Dental deposit and dental calculus containing numerous pathogenic bacteria
  • Shallow vestibule of mouth. It makes the gingival margin sink and expose roots of teeth. It may ruin bones. In this case it is impossible to restore the tooth.
  • Short frenulum of tongue and lips.
Signs of parodontosis:
  • No gingival hemorrhage
  • Displacement of gum and exposure of neck of tooth. It leads to exposure of root of tooth and atrophy of gums
  • No signs of inflammatory process. Gum tissues are colorless
  • X-Ray examination shows loss of height of interdentalsepta bone

How to treat parodontosis?

Treatment of the disease demands complex approach. Moreover, it is necessary to take all peculiarities of the patient into account. The main thing here is to improve local blood circulation by means of physiotherapy and massage, remove dental calculus, undergo thorough cleaning of the mouth cavity in a specialized dental clinic, as well as orthopaedic treatment (sometimes dental prosthetics is used). Medical treatment starts at the same time. Dentists usually prescribe hormonal medicines and vitamins. Only this complex approach will help you cope with the unpleasant and dangerous disease.

It is important to turn to dentist in time. Then it will be possible to preserve teeth. Otherwise you are risking to lose your teeth still young.

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