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How to get used to a detachable prosthetic appliance?

And finally your own prosthesis is ready. The dentist has adjusted it so you can take the prosthesis home. But what shall you do with it? You have so many questions about it. It is n not clear how to get used to this new thing in your mouth. Sometimes you may feel that you will be never able to handle with your prosthesis. In fact it is not so difficult to get used to it. It will just take time and effort.

1. It is very important to learn how to put the prosthesis on and take it off. It will be really difficult to do it for the first time. Ask your dentist to help you with this. Ask to show you how to do it in front of the mirror. It is important because every prosthesis can be put on and taken off in different ways. After the dentist has shown you how to do it repeat all his actions. Try to put on the prosthesis by yourself at least once. Such practice will let you do the same things at home faster. Practice your skills at home in front of the mirror. Learn to put your prosthesis on and take it off.

It will help you.

2. The next problem you will have to cope with is the problem of speech. Yes, you will have to learn to speak while wearing your prosthesis. All people are different. Some can easily speak even when they are wearing their prostheses while other people can hardly say a word. Why is it so? Before one starts using dental prosthesis there is enough space for the tongue in the mouth cavity and it can move freely. Now the lost teeth have been replaced. Moreover, the prosthesis itself is rather big. It may happen so that you will want to say thanks to your dentist and cannot do it. To learn to speak distinctly just train at home. The more the better. You can read a book or a magazine aloud. This way youll get more experience and consequently get rid of problems with speech. In most cases it will take some days to learn to speak while wearing your prosthesis. Still, when the prosthesis is not properly adjusted or simply of low quality it may take much longer.

3. You should rinse your mouth with decoctions of different medicative herbs like sage, camomile, or any other medicative herbs with similar qualities. These mouthwashes will help your mucous membrane to get used to prosthesis and the adjustment cycle will be less problematic. It is important to say that at first prosthesis creates an unusual load on gums and abutment teeth as it is adjusted to them. Mouthwashes should be used not less than 10 times a day. Mouthwashes are absolutely safe and will not do you any harm so use them.

4. Even the most expensive prosthesis needs adjustment. It may happen so that you will seriously chafe your gum. Do not take this pain. Take off the prosthesis. But remember that before you go to the dentist to ask for adjustment for your prosthesis you should wear it for not less than 3 hours. This way you will chafe your gum and the dentist will clearly see what part of your prosthesis needs adjustment. He should see the exact place of trauma. Somehow many people take off their prostheses and show the approximate place of trauma. This is wrong because approximate adjustments will eventually ruin your prosthesis and you will have to buy a new one. Only the places where there are evident marks of overloading can be adjusted. It is impossible to shorten the side where you feel pain. All people have different pain thresholds. Some can endure ulcer while other people cannot endure a small wound. The dentist can adjust only those places of prostheses where he sees blisters. Oral requests are not enough to adjust the prosthesis. Some people do not know their mandible from the maxilla and can show the wrong place of wound. Sometimes such problems can be avoided. Modern prosthetics and professionalism work wonders. 5. Take care of your prosthesis. It does not need any special care. Do not take it off at night. Do not place it into a cup filled with water. It will be much easier for you to get used to your prosthesis if you wear it at night. In the last resort leave your prosthesis in a dry place. You will form a habit of wearing your prosthesis much quicker if you wear it at night. If you take it off at night you will lose your habit of wearing it. You can take youre your prosthesis at night only after some months of constant wearing when you`ll feel it a part of your body.

What to eat?

Start with soft but not viscous food. Do not eat sweets, chewing gums, buns. They can stick to your prosthesis and sometimes even break it.

Try to eat apples or pears. Slice a fruit and eat it. They are hard to chew but not hard enough to break the prosthesis.

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