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How to treat warty horn?

How to treat warty horn?
Warty horn is a disease usually affecting people over 60. Warty horn is a limited epithelium hyperplasia with hyperkeratosis. Visually it looks like a horn. Warty horn usually appears on the inner side of the lip (usually the lower lip). Warty horn is a keratinized, thickened, dry, and rough part of the skin. Usually warty horn looks like a cone-shaped mass up to 1cm high. In rare cases it can be up to 2-3cm high, 1-1,5cm in diameter. The mass is dense, usually of grey or brown color. Warty horn usually consists of one cone but in rare cases it can have two or more cones.

Warty horn can last painlessly for quite a long period of time. However, even such painless disease needs proper treatment. In case keratinization of the cone increases or spreads and there is an inflamed mass in the base of the cone it is possible that the mass is malignant. Warty cones are surgically removed.

The surgery will not affect the healthy tissues. The consequences of the surgery will be barely seen. It is possible to remove the mass with the help of a carbon dioxide laser. After the mass is removed it will be used for a histological study. Only after the study it will be possible to speak of the final diagnosis. The thirst thing you should remember is that its better to make a surgery and know the diagnosis than to remain unconscious of it. Mind the factors that can cause warty horn. Lasting exposure to high temperatures or sun are the most possible causes of the disease. Warty horn can have no obvious causes. In this case the disease is called primary disease. Warty horn can also develop out of warts, papillomas and other skin diseases. In this case the disease is called secondary disease. So, as you see, warty horn is not a very pleasant disease. Moreover, it can be a dangerous one unless treated in time. So mind your health and dont forget to see the dentist regularly.
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