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Scaling and root planing

Scaling alone is sufficient for complete removal of plaque and Tartar, enamel, leaving a flat, clean surface. The surface of roots, however, whether international or subgingival may deposits concrements embedded in cemental violations. Part of cement, therefore, should be removed to avoid these fields. In addition, the accumulation of plaque leads to infection of cement toxic substances, in particular the gastrointestinal tract. some evidence suggests that this cement can be biologically unacceptable to neighboring gum tissue and should be deleted root planing procedure, which may result in exposure dentin. While it is not the purpose of treatment, this may be inevitable. There is little evidence that the degree of root smoothing, as such, has a biological value, although it gives the best clinical indication that the terms and changed cemen-tum were completely removed.

Subgingival surgical should lead to quite boards-free environment, to permit the resumption paroxizmalnaya form of cancer and epithelial attachment.

The degree subgingival root surface cleansing, necessary to achieve this likely to vary from patient to patient and from site to site. Although it is well known that Smoking surgical instruments often fail to achieve complete removal of plaque and Tartar, incomplete wounds may still be compatible with the clinical periodontal health in many cases. In other cases, failure to achieve complete removal of plaque will inhabit the root surface, and inflammation to persist or recur. The following subgingival instrumentation, well of supragingival plaque management is a prerequisite for pocket healing. On sites persistent of supragingival plaque accumulation, pocket treatment does not affect gingivitis; initial, small reduction in the depth of sounding restored within 8 weeks and the main pathogens of diseases of parodont restored within 4-8 weeks in the proportions observed until the wound. ..
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