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Something about caries and periodontitis

Caries dental
The two most widely spread diseases dentistry has to do with are periodontitis and caries. Both diseases cause the formation of cavities. Periodontitis is a cavity between the hard tooth tissues and the support. Caries makes cavities in the hard tooth tissues. Both diseases develop rather slowly but usually they are steadily progressing.

Both caries and periodontitis are caused by microbes. These little biological neighbors of teeth form the so-called microbial plaques. These plaques are a peculiar integration of bacteria and remains of microorganisms tightly fixed to the surface of your teeth. It is simply impossible to remove such colonies with the help of a simple set of things a toothbrush and a toothpaste. Foreign hygienists can offer their patients a special procedure denticure (like manicure). The problem has been thoroughly investigated by many scientists.

More than 100 years ago an American dentist Dr. Miller conducted an experiment. He placed a removed tooth into its habitual environment with the temperature of saliva +37°С, with microbes and food debris. Soon the process of destruction of the tooth began. However, as soon as microbes were eliminated the environment became safe and harmless. The process of destruction was stopped.

This experiment showed that microbes are the main enemies of teeth and the cause of the disease. Actually microbes are the necessary element in the development of the disease. They secrete acid that ruins the enamel and affects the denta. While the tooth is alive it signalizes the disease. The slightest crack of the enamel causes pain when eating or touching it. This is followed by an intensified flow of liquid. This way your tooth tries to protect itself. Finally all microbes can be removed. If not, a cavity will appear. Finally the layer of enamel will break and it will be possible to fill the cavity with your tongue. It is high time to see your dentist! More destruction means more space for bacteria so the area of destruction will become only bigger. Sometimes microbes may not ruin the hard tooth tissues. They simply turn into dental deposits and go down along the root of the tooth to the cavity between the root and the gum. Gingival hemorrhage becomes more frequent. Bigger surface of dental deposit causes more problems and destructions as well as better conditions for deposition of salts and inflammation of gums. The tooth becomes loose and lets more microbes in. later the tooth may be completely ruined. To crown it all, as soon as you start suspecting the disease turn to your dentist and ask for consultation or even treatment.

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