As you already know, periodontitis is an inflammation of parodentium. It is worth saying that periodontitis affects not only gum tissues, but jaw-bones as well. Light periodontitis is an inflammation process of gum tissues that leads to formation of small dentogingival recesses. The disease also ruins dentogingival junctions. Patients usually complain about gingival hemorrhage, inflammation of gums. Moreover, some teeth may become slightly loose.
Most patients who turn to dental clinics with periodontitis suffer its moderate form. This form of periodontitis develops out of light periodontitis in case it was neglected or not treated in a proper way. The disease first of all affects deep tissues. Inflammation can eventually ruin bones and support system of the tooth. As a result of destruction of bones gum recesses (cavities between gum and root of tooth) are formed. Such gum recesses contain numerous pathogenic bacteria that produce toxins. Such toxins can easily ruin bone tissue and support system of teeth. As a result, gum recesses become wider and deeper.
Severe periodontitis is the most serious and unpleasant form of the disease. The symptoms of severe periodontitis are: deep periodontal recesses and inevitable loss of bone tissue. These symptoms lead to one more symptom of periodontitis severe gingival hemorrhage. Moreover, teeth become loose and can easily fall out. Dental recesses formed as a result of a disease contain purulent discharges with an unpleasant poignant smell. Severe periodontitis demands immediate operative intervention. Otherwise one can lose all teeth.
gingivitis is a form of gingivitis that causes enlargement of
gingival margin. Moreover, it can also cause enlargement of interdental papillae.
Juvenile gingivitis is not a specific form of gingivitis with peculiar symptoms. It is simply a teenage disease. Juvenile gingivitis appears in the form of catarrhal gingivitis in pubertal period. The disease will usually disappear in some 2-3 years. Though there are cases, when juvenile gingivitis can turn into hypertrophic gingivitis or even parodontitis. Juvenile gingivitis usually affects girls at the age of 10-11 and boys at the age of 14-15.
Pregnancy gingivitis is a specific form of inflammation of gums faced by many women during pregnancy. It has the same symptoms as other types of gingivitis. The only difference is the specific health condition of a patient. This type of gingivitis exists in 2 forms: catarrhal and hypertrophic.
Ulcerative gingivitis is another possible
type of gingivitis. Being an inflammation process, ulcerative gingivitis leads to formation of necrotic deposit and ulcers on the surface of the edge of gum.
Catarrhal gingivitis can appear in 2 forms: chronic and acute. It is worth mentioning that acute form of catarrhal gingivitis is usually caused by a general infection or intoxication. Acute catarrhal gingivitis is often the consequence of hypovitaminosis, acute respiratory disease, and flu. Pregnancy and some other health conditions can also lead to catarrhal gingivitis.
Operative intervention is not the most desirable method of treatment of diseases of teeth, but sometimes it is the only way to solve some health problem. Extraction of teeth is used when other methods of treatment were not successful. On the other hand, if a patient is willing to preserve the sore tooth, it may become the source of a serious inflammation and purulent discharges. Teeth that have erupted in an improper way, loose and destructed teeth must also extracted. Sometimes extraction of teeth leads to traumas of blood vessels. These vessels start bleeding. Bleeding usually stops after 15 minutes.
Parodontal abscess is a suppurative inflammation that leads to formation of numerous nidi. In fact, abscess is a cavity filled with pus. Parodontal abscess is an abscess located in gums.