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Stages of Bacterial Colonization

A. Initial Colonization

1. Within a short time after cleaning, Gram-positive cocci and adhere penetrate acquired film movie (Fig. 6-14a).

2. After 24 hours, plaque biofilm collected from the surface of the teeth consists mainly of streptococci, Streptococcus sanguis the most dominant.

B. Intermediate Coaggregation

1. At this stage, Gram-positive cocci and rods coaggregate and multiply.

2. Gram-positive rods, and to multiply and eventually more than cocci.

C. gram-negative microorganisms

1. Gram-negative bacteria, which have weak capacity to adhere to the tooth, coaggregate with Gram-positive cocci and bacilli.

2. F. nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, and other anaerobic gram-negative bacteria to adhere in this manner.

D. a wide range of gram-negative microorganisms

1. The number and variety of plaque biofilm growth and include a large number of gram-negative microorganisms.

2. P. gingivalis and Capnocytophaga gingivalis, as well as a large number of other gram-negative microorganisms living in a protective environment biofilms (Fig. 6-14D).

3. Mature plaque biofilm is a very complex combination of several types of bacteria. Pathogenicity-pathogenic potential-bacteria United in biofilms, much more than certain types of pathogens. Stages of Bacterial Colonization..

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