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Alveolitis. How to treat it?

Alveolitis teeth
Alveolitis is an inflammation of the maxillary alveolar socket. Alveolitistis is usually caused by an infection that may appear after traumatic removal of a tooth. Alveoplitis develops because of violations in the postoperational regime: excessive mouth rinsing washes the formed thrombus out of the alveolar socket and pathogenic bacteria can freely cause inflammation. Alveolitis can be also caused by the lack of the mouth cavity hygiene or when food debris gets inside the alveolar socket.

In most cases the first symptoms of alveolitis can be felt 3 days after the traumatic removal of the tooth. The first symptoms of alveolitis are severe pain in the injured area, fever, spreading pain (can be even felt in the ear or in the temple). After a while bad breath appears. Alveolitis generally lasts for 2 weeks but in case it is neglected such complication as osteomyelitis of the alveolar socket may develop.

Before you see the dentist prepare a mouthwash of warm 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, half a teaspoon of sodium for a cup of water.

It is recommended to use pain relievers. To treat alveolitis it is necessary to clean the inflamed alveolar socket with the help of medicines. Moreover, it is necessary to place some medicines inside the alveolar socket to promote the process of treatment and eliminate inflammation. Remember that in case of alveolitis it is necessary to place new medicines inside the alveolar socket about twice a week. One can say that the treatment of alveolitis has been successfully completed when the pain is gone and the inflammation has been removed. When the alveolar socket is free from inflammation it will be cured in about 2 weeks.

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