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Do You Have A Cracked Tooth?

When you bite, you feel a sharp pain. He quickly disappears, and you'll probably ignore it. You avoid certain foods or chew only one side of the mouth. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may be cracked tooth.

What Causes Tooth Crack?

Tooth can crack due to many factors: d chew solid objects or products, such as ice cream, nuts, candies;
  • accident, such as a blow to the mouth,
  • grinding and clenching his teeth;
  • uneven masticatory pressure;
  • stress on the tooth;
  • the loss of a substantial part of the tooth due to wear, large fillings or other restorations; d impact of tooth enamel to temperature changes, such as eating hot food and drink ice water;
  • the fragility of the teeth, which were held in endodontics (root canal treatment.

How Can You Tell If A Tooth Is Cracked?

It can be difficult. You may not even be able to tell which tooth ache or pain from the top or bottom of the tooth.
The crack may appear as a hair cracks, running vertically along the tooth. He often invisible to the eye and may not even show up on x-ray.

You can help your dentist determine which tooth is causing the problem, noting when and where you have a sensitivity to heat or cold and sweet, sour or sticky foods, as well as about where the pain is when you chew.


Cracked tooth may be sick, because the pressure of biting cause cracks to open. When you stop biting, pressure is released and a sharp pain results like the crack is closed quickly.

Although the crack may be microscopic, and when it opens, the pulp inside the tooth may become irritated. Pulp of soft tissue, which contains tooth nerves and blood vessels. If the crack irritates the pulp of the tooth can become more sensitive to variations in temperature. If the pulp becomes damaged or sick caused by cracks, root canal treatment may be necessary to save the tooth.

As A Cracked Tooth Treated?

Depending on the size and arrangement of cracks, treatment may vary from gluing root canal treatment. Severely cracked tooth may need to production. Your dentist will determine the best treatment for you.

Tiny cracks are common and usually do not cause problems. Regular dental checkups are important. They allow your dentist to diagnose and treat problems at an early stage. If you continue to experience pain, avoid chewing on the side of his mouth and call your dentist...

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