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Visiting the Dental Office. Preparing the child

It is important that children and young people are well rested when you visit the dental office as it may seem unfriendly place for some children. It is important never to speak of the word pain or pain around children, discussing a visit to the dentist. Words : it doesn't hurt instills the possibility of pain in the thought process of a child. Lead a discussion about visiting the dentist cheerful and positive.


Dental office is the place where the dental team can check the status of your teeth, head, neck, gums and oral cavity. Members of the dental team are:
  • The Registrar is available at reception and welcomes you when you came.
  • Dental Assistant helps the dentist and dental hygienist get the exam hall is ready to welcome you, and take x-rays as needed.
  • The dental hygienist is trained to provide education and treatment to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Dentist-doctor, who checks your head, neck, mouth, teeth and gums.
    Dentist determines problems, and heals and restores damaged or decayed teeth. She or he can provide oral health education and preventive procedures, such as sealants and fluoride.

Visit to the dental Cabinet

Feel free to use this script with the students:

When visiting a dentist, you first met with the doorman. You may have to sit in the lobby for a few minutes before the appointed time. Your parent or guardian will have to fill up the history of your health. When the dentist or hygienist ready to see you, someone will call your name and take you to the dental chair for your exam.

You will be escorted to the dental treatment of the room and sit in the dentist chair. To protect your clothing, dental assistant will post the paper bib around the neck and give you goggles. When you're in the treatment room, you will find very interesting tools and equipment.

In dental chairs move up and down so that people of different sizes can sit in them. Seat can be folded like a dentist looking into the mouth using a bright light over the chair. In the dental office uses tiny hose is called " air-water " syringe, splashes of water or air in the mouth. Near the chair will be a suction device that looks like straw. It is used to remove water or any extra saliva from the mouth. In addition, there may be an x-ray machine to take pictures of your teeth. Some offices have a grudge camera to take snapshots of the teeth that you and the dentist will show on your computer screen.

Dentist, dental hygienist, and assistant will be wearing gloves during treatment to avoid the transmission of microbes, the special glasses to protect the eyes from splashes, a mask to protect the nose and mouth, and long dresses or gowns to protect your body. They first make dental examination of your head, neck and mouth. This means that the dentist or hygienist will look in the mouth for many things. The dentist uses a special mirror with a long handle is like a toothbrush to look at the back teeth. Dentist count Zubov, see if you properly clean, check if your teeth are not growing, and look for caries. Your dentist or hygienist will check the lymph nodes in the neck and chin, tongue and the inside of your mouth to make sure that they are healthy.

Hygienist provides treatment for dental caries prevention, such as cleaning, fluorine, and sealants. Dental assistant can solve some of these duties. A dentist will look further and diagnose any problems that need other types of treatment, such as fillings, crowns, root canals, and extractions (pulling problem teeth). Dentist, dental hygienist or dental assistant can also explain to you how to brush your teeth and eat healthy. They may ask you questions. You can ask the dentist any questions you may have. They are friendly and want to help keep your mouth healthy.

Not everyone visits the dentist or a dentist in the dental clinic. You can see the trained specialists in the field of dentistry in a mobile van, or in the local community care clinic. They can even visit your school with portable dental equipment. All dental team have the same purpose: to keep you smiling and healthy...

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Adequate width of attached gingiva Burning membranes mucous of Dental filling fracture Gingivostomatitis Herpetic Primary Periodontitis Scaling teeth roots
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