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Ulcers in the mouth cavity - stomatitis. What one has know about it?

Ulcers in the mouth cavity - stomatitis
Symptoms of stomatitis are ulcers in the mouth cavity and on the tongue. Stomatitis. Many people have faced this disease. When one has stomatitis his oral mucosis is covered with small ulcers. They are the unmistakable sign of stomatitis. Sometimes fever is possible.

To tell the truth the dentists do not know the exact etiology of stomatitis (ulcers in the mouth cavity). Many dentists agree that the cause of stomatitis is hidden in our immune system. Stomatitis is the body's reaction to the spreading infection. The immune system of some people has some peculiarities: it does not recognize some molecules. The immune system attacks these unknown molecules. It causes tiny ulcers in the mouth cavity.

Nowadays dentists are able to point out some factors that can promote the development of ulcers in the mouth cavity:

  1. Using oral cavity purifiers, mouthwashes and toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
    This substance is often added to different things for oral cavity hygiene. The results of different researches show that sodium lauryl sulfate can promote stomatitis. Some researchers explain this by the dehydrating effect of the substance as dry surfaces are more likely to be attacked by bacteria and infections. An additional investigation was conducted. It showed that the risk to get stomatitis is 81 % lower if you use a toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and even if you have stomatitis the ulcers are less painful.
  2. Mechanical injuries of the mouth cavity. Stomatitis can be provoked by traumas of soft tissues of the mouth cavity by a firm dried crust or a fragment of a bone. In most cases such traumas are cured in a couple of days but sometimes complications may arise and prolong the disease.
  3. Nerves. Patients who often suffer stomatitis (ulcers in the mouth cavity) have noticed that ulcers often appear after intense mental and emotional loads.
  4. Malnutrition. The investigations have shown that people who lack B group vitamins and nutrients like folic acid, selenium, zinc, iron can promote stomatitis.
  5. Allergic reactions. Allergy to foodstuff and other substances can cause a flare-up of stomatitis when they get inside the mouth cavity. If you are an allergic person first of all you should consult an allergist. The following substances can provoke stomatitis in case of an allergic reaction:
    • crops: wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, barley and protein, a constituent component of crops (gluten).
    • fruit and vegetables: oranges, apples, tomatoes, lemons, pineapples, figs and strawberries.
    • milk and cheese.
    • chocolate, nuts, soya, mustard, mollusks, vinegar.
    • metals, mint, chewing gums, toothpaste, medicaments and materials used in dentistry.
  6. Hormonal changes in the organism. There is a connection between flare-ups of stomatitis and hormonal changes in the organism. The brightest examples are the juvenile period and pregnancy.
  7. Genes. The latest investigations have shown that people can be genetically predisposed to stomatitis. If your parents had stomatitis you are in the high-risk group.
  8. Pathogenic bacteria. The investigations have shown that there are pathogenic bacteria inside the ulcers. They are actually the cause of those ulcers. In most cases bacterial microorganisms are not the initial cause of stomatitis (numerous bacteria live in the mouth cavity of any person) but they make the cure of the disease more complicated.
  9. Various diseases. Stomatitis is often connected with other systemic diseases. Thorough examination must be conducted if you had several cases of stomatitis. There is a chance that you have a systemic disease that provokes stomatitis.

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