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Malpositioned maxillary canine teeth

Malpositioned teeth significant disadvantage from the point of view of both the patient and the doctor. They are difficult to treat, treatment is long and expensive from the point of view of cooperation on the part of the patient, and in terms of technical knowledge and experience on the part of the operator. In malpositioned teeth can be left alone, or it can be extracted; it can be aligned using orthodontic treatment, or it can be cleared by surgery. Each of these methods has its drawbacks. Is it possible to intercept development problems and, early intervention, to convince malpositioned dogs to erupt in the correct position?

The most common line interceptive treatment that was recommended is the extraction of primary Fang. This approach is usually justified on empirical grounds, not scientific and clinical experience refers to the authority, not the result of any prospective randomized clinical trial. There are, however, was retrospective studies that supported this line therapy (Ericson and Kurol 1988).

Cases in which primary tooth extracted are compared with cases in which it has not, and he argued that the production of primary tooth was beneficial. Treatment in these retrospective studies never were randomized and groups, in which the main tooth was left in situ always contain the cases in which the main cause of tooth was left in force was that the permanent tooth was truly hopeless situation and there was no way whatsoever to the bargain. Softer, offset, the more likely it is that the tooth will be extracted on the basis that the offset constant dogs may be partly due to the failure root resorption primary tooth.

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