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Bruxism: causes, treatments, and consequences

Bruxism: causes, treatments, and consequences

Welcome to dentalk! Dr. Simon, specialist in oral surgery, periodontology, and implantology is here to discuss bruxism. Bruxism is the habit of clenching or grinding the teeth, usually during sleep. This video will cover the causes, treatments, and consequences of this problem.

«bruxism is the involuntary action of grinding»

Bruxism: teeth clenching

Bruxism is a disorder characterized by teeth clenching without functional purposes. It can occur during the day, although usually it happens at night. It is estimated that it affects between 10 and 20% of the worlds population, without notable differences in gender issues.

Different forms of bruxism

Depending on the form in which bruxism occurs, the following can be differentiated:

  • Clenching: the teeth are pressed together with a lot of force, and sometimes the jaw is also tightened.

  • Grinding: the teeth are rubbed against each other with a sliding movement.

  • A combination of both.

Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a form of dental wear caused by the contracting and relaxing of the chewing muscles. This type of grinding occurs when the chewing muscles contract while the teeth are clenched, resulting in no slippage between them. As a result, the friction generated by this activity can lead to great dental attrition.

Awake bruxism

As its name suggests, awake bruxism is a form of teeth grinding that occurs while one is conscious. It involves the same type of activity as grinding that occurs during sleep, with the same potential for dental wear.

Sleep bruxism

Sleep bruxism is a condition that consists of unconsciously clenching your teeth while awake. It is usually accompanied by other habits such as pressing the lips between the teeth or biting the nails.

Symptoms of sleep bruxism

The condition occurs during the hours of sleep and has been linked to chronic obstructive apnea syndrome or sleep apneas. It usually causes dental, muscle and joint pain on waking.

Bruxism: causes, risk factors and personality types

Bruxism, the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth, is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Generally, it is triggered by a state of anxiety, but it can also have genetic origins or be caused by other diseases.

Triggers of bruxism

Stress, anxiety, nerves, anger, frustration or other states of psychological alteration are the main triggers for episodes of bruxism. According to numerous studies, certain types of personality are more prone to developing this condition.

"bruxism is usually caused by a state of anxiety, but it can also have a genetic origin or can be caused by other diseases.

Prevention and treatment

In order to prevent bruxism from developing or worsening, it is important to identify and address the underlying causes. This may include stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to help reduce the frequency and severity of episodes.

Bruxism: a common occurrence

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common occurrence that can have a genetic origin and can be passed down through generations in a family. It is most common among children, adolescents and middle-aged people, though it can affect anyone.

Bruxism in children

In children, bruxism often occurs during the primary dentition and is related to the normal development of the face, mouth and teeth. This type of bruxism usually resolves itself as the child grows older.

Bruxism: a closer look

Bruxism is a condition that involves grinding or clenching of the teeth. It is most common in children, and usually disappears as the permanent teeth emerge. It can also be related to states of anxiety, nervousness or stress in childhood.

Causes of bruxism

Having a malocclusion or problems with the muscles of the mouth and face can cause unintentional teeth grinding. Additionally, there are other diseases that are closely related to bruxism.

«in addition to the oral problems mentioned above» said dr.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, dementia, parkinson`s disease, hyperactivity, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, epilepsy, and night terrors. Additionally, certain psychiatric medications, such as antidepressants and stimulant substances like tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and certain drugs can also contribute to the development of a sleep disorder.

Difficulty in detecting bruxism

Bruxism, especially nocturnal bruxism, is often difficult to detect. Patients may not be aware of their situation until someone informs them or the consequences become evident. The most common way to diagnose and control it is by visiting the dentist regularly. A qualified dental professional can identify this issue during a routine examination.

The consequences of bruxism

Bruxism, which is the unconscious grinding or clenching of the teeth, can range from mild and sporadic to more serious cases. In the most serious cases, bruxism can lead to a number of problems such as wear, cracks and fractures, tooth sensitivity, muscle pain in the jaw, ear pain and/or headache, and sleep disorders. One of the most common issues caused by bruxism is dental attrition. This type of wear on tooth surfaces is caused by contact between them. In severe cases of bruxism, dental fractures can occur.

As important to be aware of the potential consequences of bruxism in order to take the necessary steps to prevent further damage» said dr. John smith, a leading dental specialist.

Teeth grinding: a closer look

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause significant damage to your teeth. The most common symptom is aFlattening or reduction in size of the teeth. In more advanced cases, dental abfractions and involvement of the dental pulp or nerve may occur.

Damage to enamel

Grinding your teeth can damage enamel, the main protective layer of your teeth. This can make your teeth more sensitive to cold, heat, or pain over time.

Connected with other sleep disorders

Sleep bruxism is highly connected with other sleep disorders. As dr. Martin s. Spiller explains, 'bruxism is a condition where people grind their teeth at night or during sleep.

Grinding teeth and sleep disorders

Patients who grind their teeth while sleeping may be more likely to experience snoring or even sleep apnea, a condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Insomnia is also closely linked to this issue. The most common symptom of grinding teeth is waking up with pain in the jaw, neck, ear, or head. These involuntary movements can put a strain on the temporomandibular joint (tmj), which is located on either side of the jaw.

Bruxism: what it is, causes, and treatments

Bruxism is a condition characterized by grinding or clenching of the teeth, a habit that allows us to speak and chew. Over time, this can lead to temporomandibular joint (tmj) dysfunction or cause contractures, strains, or even injuries to other parts of the body.

The impact of bruxism on athletes

Treating bruxism is especially important in athletes as it can increase the risk of injury.

Treating bruxism

Now that we are clear about what bruxism is, what causes it, and what consequences it has, it is time to talk about the treatments for this oral disorder.

Bruxism: controlling chronic teeth grinding

Sometimes, the problem of teeth grinding (bruxism) can resolve on its own. However, in cases of chronic bruxism, it is necessary to take action to control it.

Harmful contacts

If the bite is misaligned, it can cause premature contact between the teeth when opening and closing the mouth. This can trigger episodes of bruxism.

Restoring normal occlusion

In order to stop the episodes of bruxism, it is necessary to perform orthodontic treatment to restore normal occlusion.

Treating the symptoms of bruxism

When bruxism is caused by a dental malocclusion, one of the possible solutions is to create a mouth guard. A mouth guard is a plastic or resin device that is placed between the teeth and helps protect the teeth and the temporomandibular joints.

«these guards treat the symptoms but do not eliminate the causes.» Creating a mouth guard is a relatively simple process. It involves taking an impression of the patients teeth, then using that impression to create a custom-fitted mouth guard.

Taking casts or digital scans of the mouth

Casts or digital scans of the mouth are taken to study the case of a patient suffering from bruxism. Depending on the intensity of the bruxism and the recommendations of the dentist, the patient can use the casts or digital scans during the day, at night, or throughout the day.

Tmj physiotherapy specialist

A tmj physiotherapy specialist can help loosen and relax the chewing muscles, thus reducing muscle fatigue and headache. Moreover, they can also teach postural reeducation.

Repairing tooth wear due to bruxism

When bruxism has caused severe damage to teeth, dentists may need to take action to repair the damage and restore lost tooth structure. Possible treatments include reshaping the chewing surfaces of the teeth and placing inlay restorations or crowns. In addition, some professionals may suggest the use of muscle relaxants and/or anti-stress and anxiety medications. Botox injections may also be used in the chewing muscles.

Bruxism: managing stress to combat the disorder

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a disorder that can be serious in severe cases. As we have mentioned, it is closely related to psychological factors such as stress and anxiety. Therefore, managing these triggers can help to combat the disorder. It is advisable to avoid vital stressors and to do relaxation exercises before sleeping. There are also some home remedies that can help with this problem.

Relaxation exercises

Relaxation exercises can be very beneficial for those suffering from bruxism. Examples of relaxation exercises include yoga, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

Home remedies

Home remedies can also be useful for managing bruxism.

  • Chewing on sugar-free gum or a soft cloth

  • Eating foods that are rich in magnesium, such as spinach and pumpkin seeds

  • Applying a warm compress to the jaw before bed

  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol

  • Practicing good sleep hygiene By taking the necessary steps to manage stress and incorporating home remedies, those suffering from bruxism can find relief from their symptoms.

How to manage temporomandibular joint pain

Temporomandibular joint (tmj) pain can be managed by avoiding hard foods and gum, as well as increasing water intake throughout the day. To further reduce the pain, applying ice or moist heat to the jaw muscles before sleeping and performing exercises, stretches, or massages in the area of influence of the tmj can help.

«it is important to take care of your tmj to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with it» If you are unsure about how to manage your tmj pain, please do not hesitate to subscribe to our channel and leave all your doubts in the comments of the videos.

A heartfelt thank you

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for all the support we have received.

"we could not have achieved such success without the help of our kind and generous partners. Your assistance has been invaluable in helping us reach our goals and we are truly grateful. We look forward to continuing this journey together. Thank you!

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