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How to correct occlusion of adults, children? Surgical correction of occlusion

Correction of occlusion
Nowadays it is almost impossible to correct the occlusion without using brackets. What should one do then? Malocclusion is not only unattractively but also harmful for health. Why? Actually wrong position of teeth distributes irregular load on teeth that can cause problems with the temporomandibular joint.

That is why it is so important to correct the form of teeth of adults and children. Age plays no role here. Mind that the correction of occlusion of adults is more difficult as the formation of skeleton is over and the bones of the facial part of the scull are fixed.

To correct the occlusion of adults nonremoveable systems of brackets are used as they turn out to be more effective. Removable devices (platters, functional devices, trainers) are usually used to correct the occlusion of children. Mind that it is useless to postpone your visit to the dentist as malocclusion will not be cured by itself. The earlier you start treatment the faster your brilliant smile will attract people. Is it possible to use surgery to improve occlusion? Yes, but it can be done only in case when traditional orthodontic treatment was not effective. Deformation of the facial part of the scull will be obvious.

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