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Classification is the systematic groups or categories, based on common attributes. An everyday example of a vehicle classification by categories such as cars, SUVs and trucks. Classification systems provides a tool for the study of the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of periodontal diseases in an orderly manner. Periodontal diseases are divided into types, classification, based on their specific bacterial etiology, development and clinical manifestations.

1. Classification Of Diseases Of Parodont

A. classification of diseases of parodont. Periodontal classification system provides the information needed in

1. Communicating clinical findings gently other dental services providers and suppliers of dental insurance.

2. Presenting information for the patient about his illness.

3. Formulating individualized treatment plans.

4. Prediction of treatment outcome.

B. major diagnostic categories of periodontal disease. Two major diagnostic categories of periodontal disease (1) gingivitis and (2) periodontitis (Fig.


1. Gingivitis is an inflammation of periodontal that chained to the gum. It leads to damage of the gum tissue that is reversible.

2. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the bearing structures of the periodontium, including gums, periodontal ligament, bone and cement. This leads to irreversible destruction of periodontal tissues.

3. It is important to understand the differences between health, gingivitis and periodontitis (Fig. 4-2).

a. In health care, no clinical signs of inflammation present.

B. In gingivitis, there are clinical signs of inflammation, such as bleeding, redness and swelling.

1) there is no loss of investments in gingivitis. Loss of investment refers to the apical migration paroxizmalnaya form of cancer and the destruction of connective tissues, periodontal ligament fibers, and alveolar bone.

2) tissue destruction in gingivitis can be reversed with professional treatment and good self-care of the patient.

c. Parodontosis is characterized by inflammation, apical migration paroxizmalnaya form epithelium, and loss of investment. In periodontitis, are irreversible tissue destruction, including destruction of connective tissues, periodontal fibers of the connective tissue, and alveolar bone.


2. Terminology: Periodontal Disease Against Periodontitis

But many novice clinicians to confuse the meaning of the terms periodontal disease and periodontitis. Often these terms are used interchangeably, as if they mean the same thing. They do not.

B. periodontal means inflammation of the periodontium. 1. Periodontal disease, which is limited by inflammation of the gum tissue is called gingivitis.

2. Periodontal disease in which all structures of periodontal is called periodontitis.

C. Correct Terminology. It is important to understand that the terms periodontal disease and periodontitis are not the same in essence and not interchangeable in their use.

1. When a dental hygienist, says the dentist", my patient has periodontal disease, - hygienist expresses General information that the patient has periodontal inflammation that can be gingivitis or periodontitis.

2. When hygienist said, my patient has periodontitis, hygienist is to convey specific information that a patient has a bacterial infection, which includes all of periodontal tissue, including periodontal ligament, cement and alveolar bone...

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