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Epidemiology: Researching Periodontal Disease

Many generations of researchers and asked : "what is the cause of periodontal disease? while experts, said, "what's the best care to their patients with periodontal disease?" This Chapter discusses the study population mortality (epidemiology) and analyzes the historical and current perspectives on the causes and progression of periodontal disease.

1. What is the epidemiology?

A. epidemiology is the study of health and disease in the General population (not the person) and the risk factors that impact on health and disease. Epidemiologist evaluates as a disease, and explores possible reasons and applies the results, recommendations for treatment.

1. Epidemiological study has three objectives: (1) to Determine the amount and distribution of diseases in the population, (2) to investigate the causes of the disease, and (3) apply this knowledge to control the disease.

2. Through the research groups of the population, epidemiologists, seek to identify risk factors associated with the disease, such as heredity, gender, physical environment, systemic factors, socioeconomic status, and personal conduct.

3. Understanding the risk factors associated with a specific illness can lead to the theory that the cause of the disease, and then to treatment standards of patient care.

B. epidemiology of diseases of parodont

1. A large percentage of the adult population has parodontium. Epidemiologists study of periodontal disease, to determine its occurrence in the population, and to identify risk factors for periodontal disease. Some questions epidemiologists to ask in the study of diseases of parodont shown in figure 5-1.

2. Epidemiological studies have also provides current information about clinical hygienist about the methods and behaviors that are successful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of parodont. Current research also can determine the risk level of the patient may have for periodontal disease.

3. Research can be designed to show the differences or injustice, disease. For example, the study may examine why more of periodontal disease is a certain part of the population than in the other group of people. Diseases of the oral cavity occurs disproportionately greater among those with low socio-economic status and poor General health status [1]. Epidemiology: Researching Periodontal Disease..

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