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How can one exercise his teeth?

Exercise for teeth clenching
Somehow many people think that uneven teeth are an inherited problem. Actually 70% of such cases are caused by the strong pressure of the jaw muscles. The following childs habits as suckling a finger, breathing through the mouth, biting cheeks or lips can make the teeth uneven. Teeth are being deformed during the process of dentition.

The most classical methods to cure uneven teeth consist in using removable plates. A child should wear it all the time without removing it. The task is difficult as wearing a plate is unpleasant and uncomfortable. Sometimes dentists recommend waiting until the milk teeth fall out. Only then treatment with the help of brackets can be started. But there is a problem by the time milk teeth fall out occlusion is already formed and it will be very difficult to cure all abnormalities. Removal of some teeth or even a surgery may be needed.

You can avoid all that in case you start exercising your teeth from childhood and upward.

Orthodontal trainers used to correct the occlusion even of small children. It is possible to start using trainers when a child is 5. Correction of occlusion is a simple and painless procedure. The device is used to correct abnormalities of teeth development. Trainers can help to prevent abnormalities and consolidate the result. Muscles that influence the jaws are getting used to proper work and this way malocclusion can be prevented. Trainers are made of special silicone. It is soft and elastic. It removes the excessive muscular pressure causing deformation of the jaws and consequently teeth. Trainers are very comfortable and it is enough to wear it for an hour a day and at night. Eventually the childs occlusion will slowly change, the teeth will become more even, facial features will improve. Moreover there will be no necessity to use brackets in future.

Indications for using trainers:

  • open bite of the frontal part;
  • deep overbite, first class according to the Angles classification, overcrowding of teeth;
  • childrens bad habits like irregular swallowing, speech problems, finger sucking;
  • overcrowded denture of the frontal part of the mandible;
  • second class according to the Angles classification, first and second subclasses;
  • third class according to the Angles classification in an obliterated form;
  • irregular placement of the mandible.
Orthodontal trainers cannot be used in the following cases:
  • full-blown third class according to the Angles classification;
  • constant nasal stuffiness;
  • problems of psychological character;
  • cross bite at the side areas of the jaws;
  • it is recommended to use an orthodontic trainer for 1 hour during the day and at night while sleeping.

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