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Nutrition and dental diseases

Dental diseases affect the ability to eat. Students, missing teeth or tooth pain can limit healthy food (such as fruits and fibres) due to chewing problems, which can result in the selection of food products softer and less nutritious. Permanent under-nutrition in childhood, may have a negative effect on a student cognitive development and school readiness. Nutrient deficiency affects school performance, ability to concentrate and perform complex tasks, and classroom behavior.

The problem with sugar

Foods high in sugar supply calories little or no protein, vitamins, or minerals. Sugars include white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, corn syrup, fructose, honey and molasses. To avoid getting too many calories from sugar, Food Pyramid recommends that you limit your daily intake of sugar. If the student consumes about 2000 calories, the average price of sugar per day should not be more than 10 teaspoons or the equivalent of 40 grams. You can of soda pop, contains 44 grams of sugar, or 11 teaspoons of sugar. Soda also contains phosphoric acid, which can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Preventing Tooth Decay: Fluoride, Sealants, Nutrition

Fluorine remineralizes the outer layer of the tooth enamel on the carrying of calcium from the saliva of the tooth. This allows you to keep your teeth strong and able to resist the mouth of the acids produced by bacteria. Fluorine advantages, as teeth that develop under the gums, and teeth that are already present in the mouth. Therefore, fluoride is important for both children and adults.

Maintaining dental health requires constant daily exposure to fluoride in the recommended levels. Fluorine is, of course, in the water and adjusted to the levels recommended to ensure maximum benefit for the health of teeth.

The Tooth Decay Process

Caries is a complex, chronic disease process that involves three factors: the teeth of a bacterial food (starch and sugar).


The outer layer of the tooth, called enamel, is the hardest substance in the body. Although this is harder than our bones, it is not strong enough to keep his mouth acids caused by the introduction of bacteria and sugar.


Mouth bacteria that promotes the production of important substances in the body. If fed too many carbohydrates, these bacteria will multiply and adhere to the tooth in the form of a viscous colorless plaque.

Tooth Shapes and Functions

Teeth are important for the proper digestion we get from food. Teeth have different forms and specific function of chewing. Teeth at the front, called the incisor teeth to chew the food into small pieces. Hand dogs and premolar teeth are sharp and pointed to tearing and cutting products. Molars in the back intended for grinding and rubbing the food into small pieces before swallowing. Humans have two sets of teeth: 20 primary (baby) teeth and 32 permanent (adult) teeth.

Dental diseases common in children and adolescents

Caries is the most common chronic disease on planet.3 For children and adolescents, caries five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. Caries entirely prevented. However, when caries is present and ignored, it is often painful and expensive to treat.

Washington 2010 data show that about 40 percent of the Head Start/ECEAP schoolchildren and kindergartners and 58% of third-graders were some caries experience. These numbers are significantly higher than the national targets for 30% and 49% respectively. Students from racial and ethnic minorities, have more dental diseases and more limited access to health care than white students.

Importance of a Healthy Mouth

Healthy teeth is important that the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. The mouth contains the teeth, gums, tissues of the mouth and tongue.
  • Teeth help us to eat, speak, sing, smile, have a balanced shape of a person and, therefore, have good self-esteem.
  • Healthy gums and bones help to keep our teeth in place.
  • Oral tissues includes cheek, lip and palate, which are necessary for chewing and speech.
  • Language helps us to speak and taste of the products.

Do You Have A Cracked Tooth?

When you bite, you feel a sharp pain. He quickly disappears, and you'll probably ignore it. You avoid certain foods or chew only one side of the mouth. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may be cracked tooth.

What Causes Tooth Crack?

Tooth can crack due to many factors: d chew solid objects or products, such as ice cream, nuts, candies;
  • accident, such as a blow to the mouth,
  • grinding and clenching his teeth;
  • uneven masticatory pressure;
  • stress on the tooth;
  • the loss of a substantial part of the tooth due to wear, large fillings or other restorations; d impact of tooth enamel to temperature changes, such as eating hot food and drink ice water;
  • the fragility of the teeth, which were held in endodontics (root canal treatment.

Diet And Tooth Decay

Scientists have long recognized the link between good oral health, and nutrition. For many years, the American Dental Association recommends that children and adults limits in food and drink between meals and when they have a snack give preference to nutritious food, identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA dietary guidelines.

Think about the human body is a complex mechanism, which requires daily attention if it will work well. Without exercise and a balanced diet, he does not get the fuel it needs to run efficiently and effectively. And this may be less able to ward off disease and / or infection.

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