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Teeth Safety

Keep your mouth shut and safe. Avoid using teeth to cut things (string, plastic bags, fishing line), holding a pen or pencil, biting my nails, crack nuts, crunch or ice jumped under the popcorn, or open bottles or hairpins.

Sports and protective equipment

Young adults participating in various events. It is important to wear protective gear for each activity. The use of helmets for football, baseball, snowboarding, skateboarding, Biking and motorcycling. Some sporting events require a protective mask, and contact sports mouthguards. Kappa absorb energy during impact; they are a necessity in contact sports, because of their ability to prevent dental and craniocerebral injury, trauma.

Teen Oral Health

Adolescents face oral health issues which are not common for the younger children, such as the following:
  • Appearance and self-image are important for teenagers. Support of students wants to be attractive in a healthy way. Let them know that crooked, crowded, or discolored teeth can be improved by dentists and orthodontists.
  • Halitosis is a treatable problems caused by strong foods, Smoking, use of alcohol, upset stomach, bacteria, or other medical problems. Brushing and flossing every day will help prevent bad breath. Language brushing or scraping also helps.
  • Eating disorders can cause serious public health problems, as well as the permanent loss of tooth enamel. Professional assistance is needed for these conditions.

First aid - lost tooth

  • Children can lose their teeth on the Playground or in other schools of accidents (see Appendix C, Block 7, Injury Prevention).
  • Learn how to practice first aid in case of avulsed (lost) permanent tooth. Hold the tooth with a crown (top), not as root. Rinse the tooth under cold water gently and do not RUB. To increase the chances of saving the lost permanent tooth, place the tooth in a protected container of cold milk or in a wet rag.
  • Because of the danger of damage to the underlying permanent teeth, never try again lost the primary tooth. You cannot move exactly tooth, and there is a danger of pushing it too far into the soft alveolar bone.
  • Make sure that the children's dentist listed in emergency contacts in the phone memory). It is important that the child can get to the dentist for two hours.
  • Teeth that came out may be, ordinary loss. Celebrate grow! If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, it is better to see dentists and dental technicians. For excessive bleeding after tooth loss of a child, a place of pure folded gauze or cloth or paper towel on a place that is bleeding. Let the child bite on gauze with pressure within 15 minutes. Change the gauze and repeat if necessary. Do not rinse.

Illicit drugs

Methamphetamine (Meth). Poor oral health is one of the side effects of using meth. Meth addicts often suffer dreaded dental caused by chemical ingredients and poor oral hygiene (known as meth mouth). In many cases, meth causes teeth loss in a very short time.

Alcohol teeth health

Alcohol use is very common in our society. American youth use more alcohol than tobacco, or drugs. Use of alcohol has immediate consequences that may increase the risk of many harmful conditions.

Sale of beer to minors is our state's largest drug problem. Every year, alcohol kills more children than tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Among young people, use of alcohol and other drugs associated with unintentional injuries, fights, low academic scores, professional problems, and wrongful conduct. Long-term alcohol abuse is associated with liver disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurological damage, and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and antisocial personality disorder.

Other diseases linked to tobacco use

  • Cancer. A disease in which abnormal cells grow and spread uncontrollably. Smokers have an increased risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, breast, lung and pancreas. Smoking is the leading cause of death from cancer.
  • Chronic Bronchitis. People with bronchitis should cough knock abnormal amounts of mucus airway blockage.
  • Respiratory Infections. For rids the body of vitamin C, which helps keep the immune system strong. He often appears as colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
  • Emphysema. The air sacs in the lungs due to the area.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illicit Drugs


Tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the state of Washington, killing about 7,500 people every year. In Washington state Department of Health began the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program for almost ten years ago12, which led to a significant reduction in the area. However, more needs to be done.

Tobacco Smoking

Although Smoking among adult population has decreased from 22% in 1999 to 15 percent in 2009, approximately 750 000 washingtonians still smoke. Racial, ethnic, and low socioeconomic groups have higher rates of Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke.

Brushing and flossing in schools and group settings

In the school environment, control brushing our teeth to ensure that toothbrushes are not generic and that they are handled properly. The probability toothbrush cross-contamination in these conditions is very high, either through the children, play with them or toothbrushes are stored improperly. Blood poisoning from gingivitis or lose a tooth can be the class during tooth brushing. Although the risk of disease transmission through toothbrushes is minimal, a potential cause for concern. Thus, the officials responsible for toothbrush programmes in these settings should assess their programs are carefully.

How to floss

Break about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one of your middle finger. Wind remaining thread around the same finger of the opposite hand. This finger will take up the thread, as it becomes dirty.

Hold the floss tightly between his fingers, and forefingers.

Tooth brushing how?

It is important to brush daily to prevent tooth decay. Scientific evidence recommends that water fluoridation and brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. This combination provides increased saliva fluorine, which protects the teeth from caries.

Cleaning teeth with fluoride toothpaste must occur at least twice a day (after Breakfast and before bedtime). Spit out all of the excess toothpaste after cleaning, but do not rinse your mouth with water. A small amount of fluoride toothpaste, which remains in the mouth helps prevent tooth decay.

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