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1. Initial therapy of chronic Periodontitis

A. primary health care includes:

1. Consultation with the doctor of the patient shown in systemic risk factors (such as: uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes, systemic disease, or a certain system of drugs).

2. Customer-specific training, support, and evaluation of patient self-care skills.

3. Smoking cessation counseling should be offered to patients who smoke.

4. Periodontal instrumentation surfaces of the teeth.

5. Antimicrobial drugs can be used in addition to initial therapy.

6. Removal or control of the local inflammatory factors.

B. Maintenance Intervals. Periodontal examination and re-evaluation of initial therapy, the results should be made after the approval of the time interval for the resolution of inflammation and tissue repair.

C. Goals Of Treatment. Targets for the treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis, are:

1. Control plaque biofilom to a level compatible with periodontal health


To change or eliminate any local or systemic risk factors for periodontal disease

3. Arrest the progression of the disease (stop attachment and bone loss from impairment)

4. To prevent periodontal disease.

2. The Results Of The Evaluation

A. The Desired Results. The desired results of periodontal treatment of chronic periodontitis should be:

1. A significant decrease inflammation of the gums.

2. Reduction of plaque biofilm to a level compatible with healthy gums.

3. The decrease in the depth of sounding.

4. Prevent further loss of investment.

B. factors that determine the long-term outcome

1. Long-term results of periodontal treatment depends on the compliance of patient self-help and periodontal maintenance (recall that the meeting) at appropriate intervals.

2. Variables that affect the response of self-help and professional service, which includes individual host response to periodontal pathogens, as well as local and systemic factors that affect the quantity and quality of bacterial challenge, and the immune response to periodontal pathogens. 3. Not all patients or sites will respond equally to therapy. Disease sites that have not responded successfully to treatment are characterized by: (a) inflammation of the gingiva, (b) increasing clinical attachment loss, and (c) plaque biofilm levels that are not compatible with gingival health. In patients in whom the periodontal condition does not resolve, additional therapy may be required. In some cases, only specific sites in the dentition may require additional therapy.

Non surgical periodontal therapy ..

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