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When is it necessary to install implants?

Dental prosthetics cost
Dental prosthetics with the help of implants can be applied in the following cases:
  • Loss of teeth when it is impossible to use dental prosthesis. It is very difficult to chew when the dental prosthesis is not properly adjusted. If a person does not have grinders the dentist will have to make a partially removable prosthesis. This is not the most convenient way to solve the problem. If you decide to use an implant the construction of the prosthesis will be simpler. It will be enough for the dentist to make one pons and the effect will be the same as if pons on 2 or more dental supports were used. The same method can be used if a patient is unwilling to use a removable prosthesis.
  • Restoration of 1 lost tooth. If 1 tooth was lost or didnt grow the dentist can install an implant in the space between teeth. After the installation the dentist will adjust a crown to the implant.
    The main plus of this method is that the adjacent teeth are not injured.
  • Extensive defects of the denture. If the whole denture is missing and it is impossible to install a pons the dentist will implant one or two prosthetic appliances that will support the pons.
  • If one cannot use removable prosthetic appliances.
Unfortunately not all patients can restore teeth with the help of implants. Categorical contra-indications (in these cases it is strictly forbidden to use implants).
  • Central nervous system afflictions: congenital and acquired.
  • Immune-associated diseases
  • Consequences of tuberculosis or its active disease.
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Diseases of blood-making organs and blood.
  • Malignant masses.
  • General connective-tissue diseases (dermatoses, rheumatoid and rheumatic processes).
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa (all forms of stomatitis, blebs, Behcet's disease, lupus erythematosus and so on).
Temporary contra-indications (in this case it is possible to install an implant after the diseases have been treated)
  • All forms of gingivitis;
  • Defects of occlusion;
  • Atrophied bone tissue or anomaly of the alveolar appendix;
  • Pregnancy and bruxism ;
  • Bad hygiene of the mouth cavity and diseases like caries;
  • Active periodontitis;
  • Diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction.
According to the results of clinical investigations there are from 5 to 10% of unsuccessful cases of implantation. If a person has no serious health problems and follows all doctors recommendations the success of the procedure is almost guaranteed. An organism can reject the implant because of some peculiarities of the patients organism like jaw structure and state of health. Mind that no doctor in no country can guarantee that your body will not reject the implant. Implantation is a surgical procedure that interferes with the functioning of the organism. No one can guarantee that an operation on the inner organs will be a success. Do not think that implantation is a simple stomatological procedure.

If the organism rejects the implant it becomes loose and cannot serve as a support for the prosthetic appliance. In this case it is necessary to remove the implant. To remove an implant is like removing a simple tooth. During the procedure anesthetic drugs are used. As soon as the opening heals and the bone tissue is restored it is possible to implant a new prosthetic appliance.

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