Saltbush is an annual plant that can grow up to 150 centimeters high. Saltbush has a straight stem, its matt leaves are cordate-longitudinal, flowers are green, they form small clusters. Saltbush grows like weed along roads and in fields. However, some people grow saltbush in their gardens.
White willow grows in Ukraine, Siberia, some parts of Russia (European part), Central Asia, and Belarus. White willow can be also found in Kazakhstan and in the Caucasus. The tree mostly grows near lakes and rivers. White willow blossoms from April till May. Rind, flowers and leaves of white willow are used to make decoctions.
Alder is a tree growing mostly in flushes. Most of these trees can be found in Siberia near lakes and rivers. Even our ancestors used cones, leaves and rind of alder to treat colds and all kinds of wounds. Decoction of alder rind possesses anti-inflammatory and tanning properties.
Fig is a subtropical ficus mostly found in the Mediterranean. Fig fruit are valued as they contain cellulose, sucrose, many microelements, vitamins, organic acids, tannin, and ferments. Fig possesses anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Spotted knotweed is an officinal grassy annual plant. Spotted knotweed likes damp places near lakes and rivers. The root of the plant is subramose and rod-shaped. The stem of the plant is straight and up to 1 meter high. Spotted knotweed blossoms in July and August. Its white and pink-green flowers form dense spike-shaped blossom clusters at the top of the stem. These blossom clusters contain black nuts.
Knotgrass is an unpretentious yearling blossoming from late spring to late autumn. Knotgrass is a widely spread plant and can be found practically all over the CIS. Knotgrass is reach in vitamins, especially vitamin C. moreover it contains such microelements as zinc, silicon, calcium, and phosphorus. Knotgrass is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Mostly stems and flowers are used.
Marjoram is a perennial plant. It has a straight stem 40-50 centimeters high. You will never confuse the bunches of tiny violet flowers and its oblong ovate leaves with anything else. Marjoram likes open territories. It grows mostly in woods on clearings and on bents. Some people grow marjoram in their gardens.
Bergenia is a frost-resistant and shade-enduring plant. It can easily grow even in difficult environments. Bergenia grows in Siberia, Altai, in the Sayan Mountains, and near Lake Baikal. It likes rocky surfaces. However, many people grow bergenia in their kitchen gardens. Bergenia is stored up during summer. Bergenia can be used for 4 years. Then it loses its medicinal qualities.
Red raspberry is a brush. It has perennial rhizome. Red raspberry stems are about 1,5 meters high and live for about 2 years. Red raspberry can be of different kinds: wild and domestic. Still, wood raspberry is the most useful kind of raspberry as it has a lot of vitamins.
Several months before the conception of your child, the stage for his or her health was set. The diet and overall health of both the father and the mother-to-be, before conception, was a primary determinant for the physical health of your child. With our modern deficient diet, the mother's body and the father's seed often lack the resources of vitamins and nutrients to create a strong and robust child.