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Attached Gingiva

On attached gingiva is part of the Desna river, which is closely linked with cement cervical third root and periosteum (connective tissue cover) alveolar bone. On attached gingiva lies between the free gum and mucous alveolar ridge (Fig. 1-6).

Free Gingiva

Free gum is an unincorporated part of the gums surrounding the teeth in the region FAC (Fig. 1-5). Free gum also known as free gum or marginal gums. Free gum is coronal (above) FAC. It is surrounded by the tooth in a turtleneck or cufflike way. Free gum is attached to the tooth using a special epithelium - paroxizmalnaya form epithelium.

The gingiva

Gum is a part of the mucous membrane that surrounds the cervical part of the tooth and covers the alveolar process of the jaws (Fig. 1-3,1-4).
  1. In the end coronal to cementoenamel junction (FAC) of each tooth and attached to the tooth using a specialized type of epithelial tissue (paroxizmalnaya form epithelium).
  2. It consists of a thin outer layer of the epithelium and the base of connective tissue.
  3. Gum is divided into four anatomical areas (Fig. 1-3).


  • Provides a seal tissue around the cervix, the part of the neck of the tooth
  • Covers the alveolar process of the jaws
  • Holds against tooth tissues during mastication
Periodontal ligament

Tissues of the Periodontium

Periodontal (peri = around and odontos = tooth) is a functional system of tissue that surrounds the teeth and makes them jaw bone (Fig. 1-1 and 1-2). On the periodontal is also called "supporting tissues of the teeth" and "attachment apparatus". In periodontal tissues are:
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